Apr 17, 2017
Another week, another plethora of amazingness from our members! Brad hit an all time bench press PR with 98kg! https://www.instagram.com/p/BStdIDnheI3 Ashley also hit a PR bench press, for a set of 3, with 50kg! https://www.instagram.com/p/BSvtq7jlddT...
Apr 10, 2017
Monday motivation is here again. Let’s start off with deadlifts! Eric hit an all time personal best with this 213kg(469lb) pull. https://www.instagram.com/p/BSbfQdqhnwl Erin made a big improvement over her last all time best with this 102kg(222lb)...
Apr 10, 2017
As a small business, we don’t utilize many traditional marketing avenues like radio time, TV ads, newspapers, etc…Our biggest method of reaching our customers is referrals from our current clientele. Even though we’ve had promotions, contests, and bonuses in...
Apr 5, 2017
Although Weightlifting and Powerlifting are a very small part of what we do at Arkitect Fitness, our team sport and general fitness clients always notice the special gear our strength athletes use, and often inquire about if it’s something they should invest...
Apr 3, 2017
Another week gone by, another dozen or so personal records smashed! Check out this week’s “Monday Motivation!” Julie had a goal of deadlifting 125kg, and she surpassed that with this 127kg lift! https://www.instagram.com/p/BSJv2PChf0u Joining the...