Jan 17, 2018
Squat depth is controversial. It’s been a hotly debated topic since I started lifting weights in 1998. How deep is deep enough? Is there such a thing as too deep? Is squatting deep bad for your knees? If you don’t squat deep enough does it “count”? There are so...
Dec 27, 2017
There are hundreds, if not thousands of variables you can manipulate in training. Most commonly argued discussed on the internet are sets, reps, weight, etc…One variable that is easy to manipulate but often gets overlooked is tempo. Tempo refers to the speed at...
Nov 15, 2017
“There is more than one way to bake a cake,” may be the perfect analogy for training. In order to bake a great cake, you must first have the right ingredients, then you must mix them together and put them in the heat of the oven, and at that point, exhibit a good...
Oct 11, 2017
Weightlifting is not a popular sport. In fact, right now, USA Weightlifting has less than 30,000 registered members nation wide. Compare that to something like USA Hockey, which has over 600,000, you can see that Weightlifters are in a pretty exclusive club....
Sep 20, 2017
This past weekend concluded the third and final installment of the “American Open Series” by USA Weightlifting. Traditionally there were two BIG national events by USAW, The National Championships, and the American Open. The qualifying totals of the AO were typically...
Jun 28, 2017
It was a very warm day in late June as I sat and waited for the team from Klokov equipment to arrive in our uncharacteristically quiet gym. This had only been the 2nd time since the gym opened in January of 2015 that we had completely shut down the facility to...