This summer is flying by and we have so much news to share with you!
August Membership Promotion!
First let’s talk about the awesome promotion we have going on right now! From 8-5-19 through 9-9-19 you can bring a family member of your choice with you for FREE to workout! They can either do your program with you OR we can give them a fundamentals program to follow for themselves. Why are we running this promotion? Because our rates for new members are going up in mid September and we don’t want your family member who’s been threatening to join the gym for months now to miss out on our current pricing. Just a reminder, once our prices go up, they never go back down again! We don’t believe that new people joining our community should get a better deal than our loyal customers, that’s why we never discount our membership for new customers. If you need a little more incentive here are a few things to remember:
- If you refer a family member, and they join (a 6 month contract or longer) you get $100 off of your next month!
- We offer 10% off for family when 2 or more people are members!
So what are you waiting for? Bring a family member in soon to get the most out of this free month*
*One family member per client for the month.
Upcoming Events
Group Hike #4!
Our next group hike is slotted for Sunday August 18th. We will once again attempt Lonesome Lake in Franconia Notch since our last hike there didn’t pan out. We will meet at the gym at 8 a.m. for car pooling. Those of you who want to meet us at the trail head can do so at 9:30 at the Basin exit off of 93 North. If you would like to RVSP via Facebook you can do so here.
One of your Training Partners is going to the Weightlifting World Championships!
Did you know that AF member Jim Soucie is going to the Masters Weightlifting World Championships in Montreal? Jim and Tony will be travelling to Montreal the weekend of August the 24th, where Jim will be competing in the 109kg division. Jim’s training has been going well and he has a good shot of winning a medal. If he does, he will be the first Arkitect member to win a medal at the international level! Here he is hitting a personal best snatch of 134kg(295lbs) last week in training!
USAPL Powerlifting Meet at Arkitect!
As you know we train several people who compete in Powerlifting. We will be hosting a Powerlifting competition September 28th. If you’re at all interested in competing in Powerlifting, this is a great opportunity to do it, as it will be at your home gym! If you want to read a little bit more about the sport, you can do so here! We highly encourage people to compete in sport, because it gives more purpose to their training, and helps them set a quantifiable goal for themselves, other than just the number on the scale!
Check out our latest YouTube video, this is part 5 of our nutrition series.. In this video we discuss why Fiber is so important and some of our favorite high fiber foods. Check it out below, and if you haven’t yet, please subscribe to our channel!
July Recap!
We had a total of 817 check ins in July. That’s up a lot from 573 last year! Top 10 check-ins are:
- Nathan Kopczynski
- Connor Fallon
- Shawn Coe
- Desiree Everett
- Chris McCoy
- Stephanie Vladimirova
- Josiah Smith
- Jess Smith
- Will Lyons
- Jon Osborne
We are going to start doing a random drawing for those in the top 10 for some free Transparent Labs products! Be on the look out for the drawing later this week!
Busiest to least busy days of the week!
Mon, Wed, Tue, Fri, Thu, Sun, Sat
Busiest times of day:
8-9 AM and 5-6 PM
Say hello to our newest members:
- Paula Bennett
- Tristan Burgess
- Louann Cormier
- Connor Fallon
- Dan Gilon
- Faith Hatcher
- Bryan Michael
- Matt Lienhart
- Sharmaine Sanders
- Ava Twardosky
If you see them in the gym please introduce yourself!
Next week is Andrew‘s last week interning with us this summer. We’re all going to miss him so make sure you come in and train the next two weeks so you can see him a few more times and send him out with a bang!
That’s it for now. See everyone soon!